About Us

Image of a star cluster taken by NASA telescopes

“The cosmos is within us. We are made of star-stuff. We are a way for the universe to know itself.”

— Carl Sagan

The magic that lives within the cosmos also lives within all of us. It makes us earthlings a living breathing part of the universe and in that, we are all divine. That spark of divinity also allows us to heal.

And thus we hold within us the innate ability to heal. When we undergo surgery, it’s not the knife that creates health. That’s our bodies healing once an obstacle has been removed from its path. Just as the cast doesn’t heal a broken bone, but creates the right conditions for healing instead.

In the same way, what we do here is to help co-create the right conditions for healing. We aren’t here to heal you. We are the catalyst - the spark that lights your internal fire - allowing your body’s initiate healing abilities. When you’re suffering from a chronic illness, your body needs an assist.

My Health Story

Hi, I’m Nikki and I’ve been living with chronic pain and illness for a decade. I know what's it's like to live with chronic pain and illness. I also know what it takes to stop fighting it and start living again.

My healing journey has not been neat.

In fact, my healing journey has been a huge, messy, non-linear journey that I’m still on. While I would love to tell you a beautiful story about how I was sick and then I did a thing and now it’s all better, that’s not how things worked out. Chronic illness, by nature, ebbs and flows.

My story is like many others. It started with a strange constellation of seemingly unrelated and unexplained symptoms. As these symptoms continued to get worse, I consulted scores of medical professionals. It took years and many tens of thousands of dollars to get a proper diagnosis and even then my treatment options were few and came with side effects I couldn’t tolerate.

At my lowest point, I would be bedridden for days, not having the strength to walk. As my health continued to deteriorate and my daily pain levels climbed up, I knew that there was no doctor who would be able to “fix” me. My health was in my own hands and I committed to learning everything I possibly could to improve my day-to-day life. I slowly found practitioners - Eastern and Western - who could help and passed along their knowledge, and through trial and error, I slowly discovered what my body needed.

It was at that time that I stopped fighting myself and my body. I came to accept that this is where I was and that there was something I was meant to learn from this experience. My perspective of what was happening 'to' me completely shifted.

I started listening to my own body - the missing piece of the puzzle. As I learned how to do this, I found it already knew so much about what I needed.

Because of this attunement to myself and applying what I learned as I went along, I can now say that my relationship with my body and my own guidance has never been stronger.

It doesn’t mean that I still don’t have days with high pain levels or low functionality, but usually I can anticipate them, and even when they are unexpected I have a plan in place to get through them.

Through my daily practice, I've become crystal clear on how to care for myself, I quickly recognize the signals that mean I need to change something and I know what's needed to course correct.

And I can help you do the same.

This is the work we do together - to create tools that can be applied for the rest of your life so you can become an expert too.

Can't wait to see you get your sparkle back!

Meet Nikki Seals,

LAc, MAcCHM, Dipl. O.M.

Herbalist, Acupuncturist, Owner

Even as a small child, Nikki was intrigued by the intricacies of how the body regulates and its invisible web of connections that make life possible. She marveled at how when she would pinch herself, she was able to feel sensations in a different part of her body. It would be many decades later when she would learn about the energetic pathways that made those seemingly unrelated sensations connected.

Nikki is a nationally board-certified clinical herbalist (and self-proclaimed herb nerd), acupuncturist, and the owner of Stardust Wellness. Her passions include the pursuit of health and happiness, herbal medicine, tending to growing things, dancing, and a totally normal level of obsession with cats, tea, and chocolate.

She holds a Master's degree in Acupuncture with a Chinese herbal medicine specialization (MAcCHM) from AOMA Graduate School of Integrative Medicine, a BA in Philosophy, and an NCCAOM Diplomate of Oriental Medicine. With a never-ending thirst for knowledge, she is always researching, taking courses, and experimenting with new ideas and methods.

Welcome to Stardust Wellness

A place to heal and reconnect with your power and inner wisdom to find your way back to wellness (whatever that may look like for you!)

Where the body, mind, and spirit are honored, respected, and invited to share their voices in the wellness conversation.

Our treatments are based on the foundation of Chinese medicine theory. This complex system of identifying patterns of health and disease developed and refined for thousands of years.

I am eternally grateful for the immense knowledge that has been passed down through the ages and available to me (a westerner) to learn from ancient and modern textbooks and the wise teachers who so graciously share their knowledge. This was not possible only a few decades ago.

Our Values

  • Empowerment

    We believe that every person is their own healer.

    The wisdom lies within you.

    Our work together is to unlock it.

  • Safe Space

    Stardust Wellness is a safe space for people in the LBGTQIA+ community, of all races, and regardless of immigration status.

    We do not discriminate based upon any group a person might identify with (unless it’s a hate group and they can’t keep their beliefs and hate out of the clinic.)

  • Environmental Stewardship

    We make every effort to reduce waste and use products that are both kind to the earth and to our bodies. (Our cotton swabs are really cotton on bamboo sticks! 😍)

    We source our herbs from farmers who practice sustainable farming methods, do not use synthetic pesticides, and from nearby farms whenever possible.

  • Social Justice

    Our world is calling on all of us to stand our ground and demand the rights of all humans are respected. Although laws are being made, seemly every day, that take rights away from minority groups and women, we will do everything in our power to fight for social justice and equality.

Get in touch.

If you would like to know more about how we can work together, reach out and let's talk!